
Strengthening the knowledge of indigenous peoples on climate change

Department of Ethnic Minority of Ba Thuoc district-DEM

The proposal aims to work two main lines of approach, which are: a) education and training, b) strengthening knowledge on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples related to climate change.

  • a) Education and Training: a formation process and training will be conducted with a focus on youth and women in the communities of Indigenous Peoples to give continuity to generation processes Indigenous community leadership.
  • b) Strengthening knowledge on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples related to Climate Change: activities and actions aimed to disseminate and socialize the Rights of Indigenous Peoples will be made to deepen the Rights of Mother Earth and how they relate to the territories and communities.


Generate the continuity of processes of capacity building communities and indigenous leadership from indigenous knowledge and wisdom to address the impacts of climate change at local and national level.

The CCNIS is the Salvadoran National Indigenous Coordinating Council. Founded on November 15, 1992, instance that currently brings together twenty-six indigenous organizations and communities at national level for Indigenous Peoples Lencas and Náhuat who has coordinated some activities in the area of Climate Change, Natural Resources and lately in the process Natural resources, Climate Change in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Natural resources of El Salvador (MARN).

Indigenous communities updated and strengthened on issues related to climate change and the use and management of natural resources. Community encouraged to replicate the experiences of the demonstration plots. Plots cultivated and producing successfully. Native seeds to share with other producers.

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