
Weaving innovation in guatemala through traditional ixil women cultural practices

ASODEEMI- Asociación de Mujeres Emprendedoras del área Ixil No´j

The purpose of this project is to strengthen the role of indigenous Ixil women as custodians of traditional knowledge, relationships, lands, traditional weavings, and art forms across generations. The project will be developed through 4 crucial strategies: intergenerational dialogue, capacity building, economic empowerment, and networking.

The Intergenerational Dialogue. Knowledge and wisdom of indigenous women in relation to traditional fabrics, cultural identity and revitalized and recognized traditional knowledge. Practical knowledge and experience in relation to traditional fabrics, new knowledge and innovative practices documented, exchanged and disseminated. Organization of indigenous women Ixiles strengthened with capacities to generate and mobilize income and exchange resources. Participate in decision-making processes in different domains (local, regional and national) increased.

The Asociación de Mujeres Emprendedoras del área Ixil No´j (ASODEEMI) was created in 2014. The mission is to promote the comprehensive development of women, considering cultural, labor, economic, social aspects, as well as location, and enhances participation and integration to improve the life conditions of women, family and society from a gender and social justice perspective. In the long term, the priorities are social justice, citizen participation and the full participation of women in the social and economic domain. As for other similar activities implemented, the Association has participated and advocated in different processes struggling for justice and for a sentence against genocide and against mega projects that menace Ixil indigenous communities. We have also provided support to victims, survivors of the war, specially women victims of sexual violations.

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