
Promotion of traditional knowledge and cultural practices for sustainable management of forest and natural resources through community-based monitoring and information system (cbmis)

Center for Indigenous Peoples Research and Development (CIPRED)

Empower Dura communities to continuously struggle for securing their rights over their resources and recognition of their role and contributions for the sustainable forest, land , natural resource management and traditional livelihoods, which can be benefitted by other indigenous communities, who have been contributing for the preservation and protection of several ecosystems in Nepal and continuation of such practices by young generations.

Communities are aware of their issues and concerns both at community and national levels. Women are having regular income and engaged in social entrepreneurship development. Communities are conscious of their important role for the monitoring, protecting and promoting their traditional knowledge and cultural practices for their sustainable livelihoods, natural resources and forest management and transfer to the future generations

Center for Indigenous Peoples Research and Development (CIPRED) was established in July 2011 by a team of professional individuals from diverse indigenous backgrounds and expertise who collectively felt a pressing need of a sincere effort to promote indigenous issues through research, survey, case studies and program development. As such, members of CIPRED has been working for and with the Indigenous Peoples (IPs) of Nepal specifically on the issues of environmental and natural resource management, good governance, protection and promotion of indigenous traditional knowledge, cultural practices for sustainable livelihoods and environment in Nepal. Our programs give leverage to the issues of Indigenous Peoples’ rights and build the capacity of indigenous peoples, leaders, local communities, women and children to developing and advocating for suitable good governance, suitable policies and sustainable livelihood programs & activities in Nepal.

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