
Indigenous peoples learning center for the transmission of indigenous knowledge and values formation among indigenous youth in Asia

Asia Young Indigenous Peoples Network (AYIPN)

Provide space where indigenous elders, women and youth in Asia can meet to transmit indigenous knowledge, exchange experiences and lessons, including a learning exchange-immersion program for Asia indigenous youth in indigenous communities in the Cordillera, Philippines.

Raised the capacities and commitments of 106 indigenous youth from 11 countries and 26 major IP groups to practice and share indigenous knowledge with other indigenous peoples in Asia and at the global level. The 216 indigenous youth participants and 18 elders learned from one another significant lessons from the Philippine and Asia workshops as strengthening their indigenous knowledge. Increased the solidarity and unities among indigenous youth in Asia and at the global level in learning and sharing their traditional governance, values, spirituality and culture. Raised the awareness of the elders present in the three workshops on the challenges facing the indigenous youth in their own communities in learning and practicing their indigenous knowledge. Production of a video-proceedings and on traditional knowledge to serve as educational materials and in the promotion of positive traditional knowledge.

APIYN traces its roots to the First International Indigenous Youth Conference (IIYC) in 2002 hosted and organized by the Cordillera Youth Center (formerly the Cordillera Peoples’ Alliance – Youth Commission) as response to the increasing challenge of globalization on indigenous peoples worldwide. APIYN was born in order to consolidate the various indigenous youth organizations and their struggles in the Asia-Pacific region while maintaining and forging international unities and solidarity among indigenous youth and peoples worldwide. APIYN is a non-stock, non-profit organization duly registered with the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission.

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