
Indigenous conservation of sacred sites: places, people and practices of spirit and ceremony

The Registered Trustees of PACOS Trust

To acknowledge and support the indigenous communities of Kinabalu, Sabah and other sacred places around the Pacific Rim in their traditional roles as original caretakers through the remembering and renewal of sacred practices and ceremony.

PACOS TRUST is a community-based organization (CBO) dedicated towards supporting indigenous communities in Sabah that has been actively involved with communities since 1987. PACOS TRUST sees itself as on organization that strives to empower indigenous communities through systematic building and strengthening of community organizations, which can act collectively on its own. PACOS TRUST also sees the need to support networking among organizations struggling to assert rights over community resources and revitalizing important aspects of indigenous systems. PACOS TRUST currently supports community organizations in the state of Sabah located in 17 districts involving 23 geographical areas, with each organization determining and implementing its own area plan and work programs.

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