
Cultural conservation practices, in Indigenous peoples Miskito Ancestral Pueblo (Nicaragua) and the indigenous peoples of Tekoa Yma Guarani (Paraguay)

Federación por la Autodeterminación de los Pueblos Indígenas (FAPI)

Promote practical action to rehabilitate the rural landscape that allows the preservation of culture and ancestral roots of myths on Liwamairin Dujindo in the indigenous community of Krukira (Nicaragua) and Mbya Guarani indigenous ancestral territory (Paraguay).

Nicaragua: 354 Indigenous Peoples’ members directly involved in the implementation of the initiative. Documentation and production of two video documentaries on the legend of LIWA MAIRIN. Dissemination on radio, television and social networks about the ancestral culture of indigenous peoples.
Paraguay: An exchange of ancestral wisdom from the elders to the younger generation has been carried out, with the participation of 107 indigenous representatives of 9 communities. a documentary video on the ancestral Mbya Guarani culture, 5 radio spots to disseminate ancestral cultural practices of the Mbya Guarani people.

The Federación por la Autodeterminación de los Pueblos Indígenas/Federation for the Self-Determination of Indigenous Peoples (FAPI) is an independent and representative indigenous federation, made up of 12 organizations of Indigenous Peoples of Paraguay covering two regions: East and West or Chaco.

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