
Nomadic Nature Trunk (NNT)

Land of Snow Leopard Network (LOSL)

The NNT program is an award-winning conservation project that designed portable trunks containing conservation education materials comprising 15-20 highly interactive game-based lessons covering native biodiversity, habitats, and human-wildlife conflict. LOSL is committed to decolonising mainstream conservation by incorporating and prioritising Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and indigenous spiritual traditions in our conservation work. This initiative aims to update the NNT Curriculum.

At the beginning of the 2024 school year, a new NT curriculum will have been taught in up to 8 schools in each of the 5 regions. This new set of Nature Trunk lessons will support the reintroduction of awareness of the spiritual, cultural, and environmental significance of snow leopards and other species, ecosystems, and spiritual landscapes. Long term: Significant numbers of Indigenous children will grow into stewards of Nature; they will become IPs with the capacity to stand at the forefront of conservation and to lead the decolonisation of mainstream wildlife conservation.

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