
Promoting mother tongue, identity, and solidarity to protect indigenous peoples’ territories, resource rights, and social harmony through inter-generational alliance and action, Kenya

Kivulini Trust

The initiative aims to enhance the learning and role of children and youth in understanding and protecting their culture, indigenous territories, sacred sites, and spirituality to promote identity and self-determined development. Pastoralist communities in Isiolo County are impacted by the ongoing mega projects, including expansive encroachment by farmers and conservancies on their environment and their socio-cultural and economic welfare that threatens the highly cherished socio-cultural lifestyle, spiritual attachments to the land, and the unique pastoralist economy supported by the arid environment.

To protect the indigenous people’s traditional knowledge and practices that are still critical to their well-being and to equip the younger generation to value and protect these cultural assets through documentation, publication, transmission, and exhibition of indigenous knowledge and practices to develop education, recreation, and survival skills.

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