
Supporting Pygmy Children and Youth in education and cultural values safeguard

Dignité Pygmée (DIPY)

Through this project, DIPY will provide gender-balanced support to pygmy children to enable them to attend school in decent conditions without dropping out until the completion of their primary cycle. The BOLINGO school will be rehabilitated, school supplies provided, and a school canteen set up for them. Their parents will be empowered economically to enable them to take charge of their children’s education.

The WELO Primary School, which belongs to the indigenous pygmy village of Bolingo, has been rehabilitated, and the facilities and furniture have been provided. The children will also be provided with proper uniforms.

A school garden has been set up promoting local food to supply the canteen.

Income-generating activities such as small-scale farming, small-scale livestock, beekeeping, fish farming, Non-Timber and Forest Products, and handicrafts are flourishing in BOLINGO so that the parents of students at WELO Primary can continue to support their children to attend school and in decent environments.

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