
Emergency Response to Manipur Crisis 2023

Rural Women Upliftment Society (RWUS)

Extending support to those in need of assistance in time of crisis. RWUS focus on four fronts: food supply to relief camps, working towards specific issue of women (gender based violence and sexual assault) and child, socio-psycho support of victims and organizing free medical camps for IDPs.

Those IDPs who undergo extremely hardships and have less access to food due to its remoteness location have nutritious food; Those IDPs who eats only rice and lentils(dal) for more than 3 months have better food quality such as eggs and meat/meat products; 200 IDPs stop sleeping on the floor and they have blankets and bed-sheets for the night; Comfortable sleep leading to decrease in sleepless nights and loss of appetite; 200 IDPs who are widows/single mother have regular income and re-build their livelihoods.

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