
Strengthening solidarity and advocacies of Indigenous Peoples in Asia in the context of extractive industries and energy

Asia Indigenous Peoples Network on Extractive Industries and Energy (AIPNEE) Inc.

Extractive industries and energy projects, including agribusiness, in Asia are increasingly affecting indigenous peoples, including violations of their rights to their lands, territories and resources and to self-determination while women and other vulnerable groups are impacted the most. The Project aims to enhance the ongoing institutional strengthening of AIPNEE as the regional platform of indigenous peoples’ organizations and defenders working with or supporting their communities affected by extractive industries and energy projects implemented in their territories. It will also build AIPNEE’s capacities to support indigenous communities and their defenders to advance their rights through campaigns on the ground and international advocacy.

A five-year Strategic Plan of AIPNEE and its institutional policies have been finalized through commissioning of a consultant for drafting the documents. The Strategic Plan will also comprise of a brief overview of the situation of extractive industries and energy in Asia and their impacts on indigenous peoples, including relevant laws and policies in various countries.; At least 10 AIPNEE Regional Steering Committee members have met online to adopt its Strategic Plan and policies, as well as to share country situations and updates in the context of extractive industries and energy projects.; AIPNEE has supported at least two campaigns of indigenous communities to defend or assert their rights in the contexts of extractive and energy projects, including for capacity building, mobilization, documentation and other advocacy.; At least two indigenous defenders or representatives from AIPNEE have effectively participated in relevant international advocacy events, including by delivering statements or speaking in specific panels.

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