
Reinforcing Indigenous children and Youth and strengthening for TONKLA Indigenous children and youth

TONKLA Indigenous Children and Youth Network

The project aims to strengthen the Tonkla Indigenous Children and Youth Network (TKN) covering the five regions of Thailand. TKN is expected to perform several functions: 1) to equip the TKN members with knowledge and skill to be able to participate in decision making related to their livelihood and friendly environment at different levels; 2) to create data-based system on the TKN profiles, socio-economic status of TKN members, challenges, and good practices on various aspects; 3) to launch its campaign on indigenous peoples’ rights and advocacy following international standard aiming for the revision of enabling laws and policies; and 4) to support income generation activities among TKN members and their families.

TKN organizing committee comes to understand its roles and duties. Indigenous children and youth are aware of their self-actualization. TKN feels stronger and capable of moving forward. TKN members get to know more networks. TKN website is created and made accessible by the public. Updated information about the situation of indigenous peoples in Thailand and elsewhere. Compiling TKN works for public relations both on-line and off-line.

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