
Promotion of Indigenous native plant species for food security and income generation of indigenous women and their communities in Thailand.

Indigenous Women’s Network of Thailand (IWNT)

The main goal is to promote the selected indigenous native plant species for enhancing food security and income for indigenous women and their families in Northern Thailand. The selected plant species are plants used by indigenous women in their daily lives as food, herbs and colour for natural dye. The project will be undertaken in partnership and collaboration with academic institutions such as Maejo University and Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna. The outcomes and knowledge gained from implementation will be widely shared with IWNT members and networks.

Project Management Team with clear responsibilities; Clear action plan adopted;Three pilot areas identified; Community members understand the project and fully engage in project implementation; Information on nutrition facts of at least 3 identified plants completed and used for packaging design; Collaboration with at least two academic institutions ; Monitoring reports;Increased capacities of 3 pilot indigenous communities on plant propagation, processing and packaging for commercial marketing; At least three products are successfully produced, processed, packaged and sold to the market thereby increasing income of families and fund for 3 communities (though this may take longer than one year);Experiment reports from 3 pilot areas compiled and used for future planning. 3 sets of learning materials (VDO clips, news stories and posters) from pilot areas produced and shared among IWNT members and indigenous communities; Workshop report of lessons learned produced and photocopied.

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