
Emergency, Support for political mobilization for the recognition of provinces of IP. *they are arresting/shooting people who are joining the political actions.

Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities (NEFIN)

In summary, this movement is very crucial one for Indigenous Peoples to get recognition of their rights. In solidarity, are needs of supporting this movement morally, financially and physically. Even meeting those injured persons, joining Indigenous leaders and their supporters in the rallies accumulates solidarity to the movement. Providing water, sound systems for mass gatherings, banners, posters, food/snacks and first aids would be very helpful for the movement.

Indigenous Peoples’ movement keeping on the momentum towards achieving its goal of government’s step to address Indigenous Peoples demand/renaming of Province-1. Indigenous activists, their leaders and IPOs been able to gather and encourage more people to take part in their movement. Consolidation of strategies and plans about the movement. Enhanced visibility of Indigenous Peoples issues and demands. Enhanced sensitization about Indigenous Peoples’ issues.Increased willingness of political leaders in addressing Indigenous Peoples’ demand. Indigenous activists, their leaders, IPOs, victims and injured people feeling well supported, united and joined for their movement.

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