
Support of Indigenous peoples of Baglandesh, Nepal, India, during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP)

Awareness generation among the communities on safety measures and vaccination. Support the communities and families who need food supplies, health care and other necessities. Promote traditional medicines available among the communities and compilation of traditional healing procedures related to COVID-19 symptoms.

Bangladesh: A total of direct 1875 (though the target was 400) and indirect 6000 indigenous poor and affected families. Indigenous peoples used their traditional knowledge during the isolation and lockdown. Raised awareness among the indigenous communities on the COVID-19. Conducted five coordination meetings within BIPF’s networks. Conducted 10 regular social media campaigns to sensitize IPs.
Nepal: Information dissemination and awareness raising/development of information material. Health kits were distributed to a total of 23 communities with Indigenous People. Roughly more than 30,000 Indigenous Peoples of the country have received basic information about preventive measures of COVID-19 infection and vaccination in the country, through radio and posters.Indigenous Peoples of 23 communities have received health kits
India: Community members are aware and adopt safety measure and are vaccinated on time. No. of poor families/ communities are supported in emergency cases . No. of communities practicing/ adopting Traditional medicines.

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