
Indigenous women cultivate native fish for food security and marketing

LOCAL PARTNERS: Foundation “Centro Lianas” /Foundation “Centro Lianas”

The current project aims to contribute to the food sovereignty of families in 10 Kichwa communities of Napo province through the implementation and improvement of fish systems. In project included to restore, value, and take advantage of the native species in a balanced way, thus contributing to the conservation of ecosystems and sensitive areas.

Se conservan libre de contaminación dos microcuencas. Se bajo la presión al bosque y ríos de los territorios y aledaños. Se instaura un modelo de producción sostenible con la mirada hacia prácticas agroecológicas acordes a la cosmovisión de las comunidades indígenas. Se realizaron 2 intercambios de experiencias y conocimientos con las comunidades beneficiarias y con organizaciones aledañas.Mediante una educación no formal se capacitan a 10 promotoras locales y a las 10 comunidades en las fase. Se construyen y se habilitan para la producción un total de 120 estanques.Se sembraron 57.500 alevines de cachama. Se instaura un mecanismo de innovación productiva implementada para el desarrollo del cultivo de la cachama.

Local Partner:
The Centro Lianas Foundation was legally created as a non-governmental, non-profit organization through a Ministerial Agreement of the Ministry of Social Inclusion and Solidarity Economy in April 2005. Since that time they have worked with indigenous peoples and nationalities of the Ecuadorian Amazon in support of their collective rights, development of sustainable productive projects, and defense of the rights of nature as enshrined in the constitution of the Republic of Ecuador. Its mission is to be a practical research center which supports communities in development of solutions to the challenges they face, generating opportunities for the application of sustainable alternatives at regional and national level.

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