
Preservation of intangible cultural heritage of the Khants and Mansi peoples during global warming

LOCAL PARTNER: The Okrug School of Bear Games

This increases resiliency, protects the ecosystem, ensures food security, and management of land and water resources. As a result, it is necessary to work together with other indigenous peoples, backed by our traditional knowledge and deeply-rooted practices, to protect and improve the situation of our lands, territories and resources, so as to achieve long-term management of biodiversity. An important indicator of environmental sustainability in our culture is the bear, whose character, habitat, and distribution depends on climate change. Knowledge of the territory and ability to observe the plant and animal world, can prevent environmental disasters.

Analysis of collected data, development of a warming map covering the last 10 years. One sacred site identified in Numto Nature Park. Description of process for gathering medicinal plants used by Indigenous residents of the area (Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug and Yamal Peninsula. Seven sacred hills identified within the city of Khanty-Mansiys. Traditional ecological knowledge gathered during field studies will be systematized for further use.Children learned sacred melodie. Folkloric materials published in a variety of resources to transmit sacred knowledge. Medicinal plants and fungi used for healing and immune system support documented and are now being prepared for publication (Khanty, Mansi, and Nenets). Advertising of medicinal plants and their traditional uses by Indigenous people on social media. School of Bear Games participants gathered the plants themselves. 

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