
Gender and Climate Change Community Based Adaptation, through the creation of High Carbon Value community Forest (HCVF) in Didango, Tibati

LOCAL PARTNER: African Indigenous Women Organization Central African Network (AIWO-CAN)

Background and objective:
The Mbororo Pastoralists, through their history and lifestyle of living in natural environments, have developed considerable traditional knowledge on climate change adaptation and mitigation. Steps to recover, protect and promote such knowledge and practices is not only vital to these communities but also contributes to the fight against climate change. These communities are reliant on natural resources that are most vulnerable and have the least capacity to respond to climate change. The project will revive indigenous traditional knowledge by identify trees and other plants that have historically been present and useful for Mbororo communities, and support the establishment of a High Carbon Value Forest (HCVF).

The Didango community has been sensitized and educated on the concept of climate change and the advantages of a community forest to their community and the environment as a whole. 400 women and 100 men and 100 youths were sensitized. Women/girls and community as a whole have been trained on tree planting, caring and sustainable forest management techniques; A community forest has been established through the planting of 415 useful trees on a surface area of 7 hectares; A forest management committee of 05 members consisting of 03 women/girls and 02 men has been created and trained with appropriate knowledge and skills on tree caring and sustainable forest management.

Local partner information: AIWO-CAN is an indigenous women-led organization with the mission is to sensitize, educate promote and protect the rights of indigenous women and girls through social and economic empowerment, civil and political awareness and environmental management. Their priorities for women and girls from Indigenous communities include educating them on their rights, enhancing their socio-economic capacities, empowering them with environmental management/climate change adaptation and mitigation skills, and lobbying for the respect of their rights and their inclusion in decision making positions in their respective communities

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