
Establecimiento de proyectos agro-productivos que brinden seguridad alimentaria y sostenibilidad a la Asociación “ASFUMUJER” mediante la construcción de embalses en el Municipio de Natagaima – Tolima –Colombia


The project consists on capturing rainwater through the construction of reservoirs in places where geography and topography allow for the construction of dams at closure points of natural depressions identified in the rural sector. The project will be complemented by civil and hydraulic engineering studies, and water management systems for irrigation. The project also seeks to contribute to sustainable development, mitigating environmental impact and thus contributing to reforestation within the tropical dry forest.  
This project seeks to mitigate the intense drought that limits agricultural production as a consequence of climate change. The project will also provide employment opportunities and meet the food requirements of rural women and their families, giving benefit to organic and self-sufficient production. 
The project will include the construction of a rainwater reservoir, the design and implementation of irrigation system, increment of fish and agricultural production. The project contributes to strengthening the leadership role of indigenous women in the organizations involved, through technical and financial support, thus improving their access to education, decision-making opportunities at the local, departmental and global levels. 
Local Partner: In 2010, the initiative arose to organize a group of women interested in defending their rights and organize their work in search of a better family well-being. In 2011 they legally register in Colombia as the Association for the Future with the Hands of Women “ASFUMUJER”, and start to organize trainings, workshops and studies with different institutions.  

La construcción del embalse fue éxito total, pues cada que llueve por la ubicación topográfica del mismo, el embalse recoge todas estas aguas lluvias, permitiendo aprovechar estas aguas no solo para los árboles frutales, las huertas caseras, para los animales, sino que también nos alcanza para poder realizar el cultivo de cachama.

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