
Highlighting best practices for Strengthened community protocols towards sustainable resource management

Local Partner: Chin Human Rights Organization

Background and objective: 
indigenous communities have been contributing not only for the continuation of indigenous peoples’ traditional knowledge on health care practices for the wellbeing of the communities but also sustainable managment of the natural resources. There has been high demand for the further documentation in other communities of the mountain región of Nepal for the legal recognition and support by the local and national government agencies. Indigenous traditional healing practices, “Amchi” is the best practices for the prevention of illness, good health, treatment in the indigenous communities for generations, however due to the high influence of the western health systems, they are at the edge of disappearing in Nepal. Thus, the goal of the project is further documentation of the existing indigenous peoples’ traditional Amchi practices for the promotion and recognition by the government of Nepal. 
Local partner information: 
Center for Indigenous Peoples’ Research and Development (CIPRED) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization established in 2011 in Kathmandu, Nepal. It is devoted to serve the needs of the Indigenous peoples, local communities and women of Nepal for ensuring their traditional customary practices, traditional knowledge, skills that has been contributing for the sustainable management of the natural resources and livelihoods. It also aims for Indigenous Peoples’ Sustainable Self Determined Development (IPSSDD) through research, education.

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