
Fortalecimiento del desarrollo cultural y económico Post COVID de los Pueblos Indígenas de Costa Rica

Local Partner: Asociación Mesa Nacional Indígena de Costa Rica MNICR

The project will be based on the transmission and practice of traditional knowledge. The objective is to strengthen the participation of indigenous families in the Boruca, Rey Curré, Salitre, China Kichá and Quitirrisí territories, their traditional production systems, food sovereignty, traditional medicine and economy.
Sessions will be held to teach the Brunkacj language; workshops will be held on cultural production systems, food sovereignty, traditional medicine and indigenous economy. The participating organizations are mixed, led by women. Five community organizations will participate. 
Local Parther:
The Asociación Mesa Nacional Indígena de Costa Rica “MNICR”, is an indigenous organization for political advocacy and promotion of autonomous, cultural, social, political, environmental, and economic development for indigenous peoples and their territories. It was created after the 1st Indigenous Congress in 1978. Its mission is to contribute, under the cosmovision of each indigenous people of Costa Rica, to the fulfillment and respect of indigenous rights. 

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