
Campamentos de restauración de ecosistemas marino costero en comunidades Haulover y Wawa afectadas por huracanes ETA e IOTA

Local Partner: Gobierno territorial indígena de Prinzu Auya un Centro Intercultural de Innovación Tecnológica Bilwi

This project aims to restore the landscape in the indigenous communities of Wawa bar and Haulover, through the reestablishment of native forest species, which will allow the restoration of the coastal marine ecosystem in areas composed of mangrove forests. These forests were affected by flooding, erosion and hurricanes caused by climate change. 
Landscape restoration for the conservation of coastal marine ecosystems and rehabilitation will be carried out in a participatory community manner, through reforestation camps with young people and indigenous women who are custodians of the knowledge (collection of seeds and plants for the establishment of nurseries), promoting intergenerational knowledge exchanges that foster a love for mother earth, and will be systematized, documented, and disseminated in local languages and audio-visually to raise awareness among the population, guaranteeing sustainable soil management and risk mitigation. 

Identificado los principales bienes naturales de importancia sociocultural y ecológica. Se ha dotado de capacidades prácticas de manejo de vivero a partir del uso de recursos e insumos locales. Se han reforestado cinco hectáreas con plantas de uso tradicional como Madero Negro, Come Negro, Marañón y Mangle las zonas afectadas por los huracanes Eta e Iota en la comunidad de Haulover y 4 hectáreas en la comunidad de Wawa Bar.

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