
Udege land: governance and achieving co-management through enhancing participation in decision making and policy development

Local Partner: Center for support of indigenous peoples of the North (CSIPN) jointly with Udege community

The Udege people live on their ancestral territory in the Sikhote-Alin mountain range, which is now part of the Bikin National Park in the Russian Far East. The Udege community has resisted illegal and commercial logging and overfishing on their lands. In 2013, the Russian Government decided to create a national park on Udege territory. They coordinated with the Russian Government to create and co-manage Bikin National Park, which ensures both land protection and the opportunity to legally implement their traditional land management based on Udege traditional knowledge and traditional customary law. They have become a model project of national scope in Russia.The Udege community controls and directs its own development and future based on its own vision and values to manage the sustainable use of forests and natural resources. This enables the Udege to stop massive illegal logging, large-scale commercial timber production, poaching and overfishing in the Bikin River Basin.

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