
Atención humanitaria para los pueblos indígenas de América Latina

Local Partner: FILAC- Fondo para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indigenas de America Latina y el Caribe

The current emergency of COVID-19 and the insufficiency of the actions of the different States to attend to the indigenous population has generated the need for indigenous organizations to take actions to prevent and mitigate the effects of this Pandemic, however, these efforts require all possible support due to the size of the territory and the number of people to be helped.

The initiative aims to implement traditional medicine pharmacies with the support of traditional doctors. Medicine kits will be delivered to the inhabitants of two indigenous areas of Bolivia and Ecuador.

Fortalecidas las acciones llevadas adelante por 5 organizaciones de pueblos indígenas para la prevención y combate a los efectos del Covid 19.

Local Partner:

The implementation of the project will be carried out with the coordination of FILAC together with Bolivian and Ecuadorian organizations. The Confederation of Indigenous Peoples of Eastern Bolivia, CIDOB, is one of the organizations that make up the large indigenous movement in Bolivia and has great representation at the national level. It was founded in October 1982 in Santa Cruz de la Sierra as the Confederation of Indigenous Peoples of Eastern Bolivia, with the participation of representatives of the four indigenous peoples of Eastern Bolivia: Guaraní-Izoceños, Chiquitanos, Ayoreos and Guarayos. The Achuar Nationality of Ecuador (NAE) is a self-sufficient and non-profit entity, founded to strengthen the identity, language, customs, worldview and laws of the indigenous people of the Achuar ethnic group in Ecuador. Its objectives are to defend their territorial integrity and plan their development. The NAE is the mother organization of the Achuar nationality, and at the same time a second degree organization of the CONFENAIE, a regional organization belonging to the national organization of the indigenous peoples of Ecuador, the CONAIE.

We also collaborated with these organizations: Central de Pueblos Indígenas del Beni – CPIB, Central Indígena de la Región Amazónica de Bolivia – CIRABO, Central de Pueblos Étnicos de Santa Cruz – CPESC, Asamblea del Pueblo Guaraní – APG, Organización de Capitanías Weenhayek y Tapieté – ORCAWETA, Central de Pueblos Indígenas de La Paz – CPILAP, Central de Pueblos Indígenas del Trópico de Cochabamba – CPITCO, the Central Indígena de Pueblos Originarios de la Amazonia de Pando – CIPOAP, the Central de Mujeres Indígenas del Beni – CMIB, the Central de Pueblos Étnicos Mojeños del Beni – CPEMB, the Central de Organizaciones de Pueblos Nativos Guarayos – COPNAG, the Gran Consejo Tsimane – GCT and the Organización Indígena Chiquitana – OICH).

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