
Food communication in Sápmi

Local Partner: Slow Food Sápmi 

The project aims to develop the communication of Sami food by creating four manuals, plus a digital lecture. The material will help producers, sales and restaurants. It is important that marketing material is culturally rooted. We want Sami to be proud of and feel confident. The work includes reindeer, game, fish, wild plants and berries. For production, the project includes the help of expertise in our networks. By focusing on traditional knowledge, traditional products and natural methods, the project contributes to more raw materials reaching the market. In long-term it is reducing food waste, protecting biodiversity, creating jobs and strengthening the food culture heritage. By telling in own stories it can influence the demand for seasons and justify a fairer pricing, while consumers get the right expectations. 

A coherent strategy is needed for communication about Sami food. During its ten years as an industry organization and grassroots movement, Slow Food Sápmi has gathered experience about food and how to arouse interest in it. We have also seen the importance of marketing having a cultural foundation, partly out of respect for people and culture – but also for services and products to maintain their authenticity and that sales and consumers have the right expectations when they want to shop Sami.  

Four manuals in text, vidoes and image: Products and sales Present dishes and ingredients Planned communication Creative customer relationships and social media Everything is published on Slow Food Sápmi’s website.

Local Partner:

Slow Food Sápmi is a completely non-profit organization, formed in 2009 for Sami food, we include Sápmi in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Russia. Together, we are strengthened in a Sami context, the work is done ideally. The members are joined to Slow Food International, collaborating with Slow Food in Sweden, the Slow Food Nordic region, in a natural partnership with other indigenous peoples through the Indigenous Terra Madre. Slow Food Sápmi initiated and organized 2011 the first indigenous peoples conference in Jokkmokk, Sweden, 520 indigenous delegates and observers from 37 countries came. We established the work for indigenous peoples’ rights, it strengthens the work for the right to land, water and own food culture, language, identity and Food sovereignty. 

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