
Fortalecer la Gobernanza Territorial y Revalorizar los Conocimientos Ancestrales con Igualdad y Equidad en Comunidades Indígenas Ch´orti´ (Seguimiento)

Local Partner: COMUNDICH- Coordinator of Associations and Communities for the Development of the Maya Ch´orti´ Peoples

The objective of the project is to strengthen territorial governance, access to justice and revalue ancestral knowledge, as a mechanism in the face of the new Post-COVID-19 times. The projects includes the strengthening of indigenous authority, the strategic participation in litigation process, improvement of access to justice and strengthening of the ancestral spiritual and cosmogonic knowledge of the Ch’orti people. 

The following results achieved in the previous project will be strengthened:  Participation of indigenous women as Indigenous Mayors and their role in defending the  Leadership of indigenous women promoting actions before the Courts of Justice, as advocates in demand of human, territorial and environmental rights, Strategic Litigation as a tool and mechanisms for claiming the rights of indigenous peoples, particularly the Ch’orti ‘Mayan Peoples and recovery of ancestral practices in agriculture, using environmentally friendly practices and better use of water. 

The project includes the strengthening of the Council of Grandmothers Healers who promote ancestral knowledge within the framework of the peace agreement and contribute to conflicts prevention. 

Se fortalecieron 21 consejos de administración de tierras y recursos naturales, con una mayor participación de mujeres y jóvenes indígenas.Se han promovido acción judicial en reclamo de verdad y justicia en el marco de la represión y asesinato de autoridades y campesinos indígenas. Fortalecido el colectivo de mujeres indígenas sobre los derechos territoriales, ambientales, conocimiento ancestral.

 Local Partner:

COMUNDICH organizes its work based on the following programs: Cultural Identity and Organizational Strengthening; Land, Territory and Livelihoods; Economic Solidarity, Productive Development and Food Security; Active and Proactive Woman with Equity and Equality; Participatory and Inclusive Youth with Full Enjoyment of Rights. Mission: The recognition, respect and exercise of the rights of the Maya Ch’orti ‘people, based on their own ways of life and self-determination. 

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