
Improved Food security and enhanced livelihood for Oromo people in Northern Kenya.

Local Partner: Rupa Farmers Self Help Group

Background and  objective: 

As a follow up project on food security, the proposed initiative aims to identify and bring together local farmers (men and women) in Merti region of Isiolo County, Northern Kenya by supporting modern and traditional farming initiatives and techniques in order to strengthen food security, balanced nutrition and knowledge transmission and improve livelihoods of the farmers and community especially  during the covid19 pandemic period. The project also includes water conservation strategies with the establishment of water pans to collect and store water and the installation of sprinklers to reduce wastage. In addition, installation of more beehives are planned to enhance ongoing efforts of  producing natural honey as well as the provision of fish feed and manure for the two established fish pods. Finally, lighting of the farm to enhance night security and protect the farm from predators is considered.

The initiative will also promote knowledge exchange between the farmers in the region and outside and as a result enhance cohesion and co-existence. School children shall be put onboard to learn from elders and farmers in the practice of both traditional and modern farming techniques that will enhance knowledge transmission. 

Local partner information:  Rupa Farmers Self Help Group is a community group based in Isiolo County, Merti South-Cherab Ward. The group was formed in 2005 and officially registered on 7th June 2007 with the ministry of Gender and Social Development. The group is practicing farming activities along Ewaso Nyiro River in Merti town. The group brings together members from poor and vulnerable groups with the aim of fighting poverty and food insecurity among individual members and society living within Merti town and its surroundings. Gender issues have been put into consideration: the group consists of 10 women and 3 men, with each individual member participating in all group undertakings. Its mission is to promote healthy living through provision of balanced nutrition . Its objectives are to enhance food security ,improve Livelihood status promote sustainable use of natural resources , health improvement through balanced nutrition  and build climate change resilience of the group and the community 

Through implementation of this initiative the group enhanced food security in the region amidst persistent drought, improved livelihood status of the group and the community, promoted sustainable use of natural resources, improvement community health through balanced nutrition, trained farmers on the use and nutritional benefit of indigenous food crops as well as modern farming techniques, created networks with other farmers and enhanced knowledge transmission to younger generation.

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