
Strengthening Network of Indigenous Peoples with Disabilities through Climate Change Initiatives

Local Partner: National Indigenous Disabled Women Association Nepal (NIDWAN) 

Background and  objective: 

Indigenous peoples with disabilities are particularly vulnerable to natural disasters as they often live in areas of risk related to climate change and are impacted and are at risk due to climate change,  and  indigenous women and women with disabilities fall into all these groups as one of the risk groups and are mostly unaware of these impacts. “Strengthening Network of Indigenous Peoples with Disabilities through Climate Change Initiatives” is a project aim to engage young indigenous peoples and women with disabilities in climate change discussion. The Project will engage with groups on how indigenous peoples and peoples with disabilities cope successfully with local level initiatives and respond effectively to major environmental changes. The project will strengthen the network of peoples with disabilities at community level to build their capacity at local level. The project will conduct a small research and document a video with some case stories on climate change discussion and publish document for policy intervention. The goal of the initiative to open discussion on climate change and reflect the issues of gender, indigeneity and disability in climate change negotiation and how these groups are at risk and need further concrete intervention.

Despite the adverse pandemic situation, NIDWAN was and is able to work for the communities. Virtual training to 35 Youths on climate change, policies and its impacts has been provided. Elements of disabilities were integrated in the training Ethnographic Research on Climate change on indigenous women with disabilities is conducted and based on research a short video on climate change is produced.

Local partner information: 

NIDWAN exists is to unite young women, indigenous women, women with disabilities and young indigenous women with disabilities to establish fair, just and equitable society and its mission is to assist to maintain dignified living standards of young women, indigenous women, women with disabilities to protect and promote social, economic, political and cultural and environmental justice to create justifiable society. The main programs and priorities are capacity building, grooming leadership, intervention on inclusive education, environmental justice, policy documents, advocacy and lobby on international instrument, strengthening network at grassroots level and making collective voices for strengthening networks.

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