
Cultural identity, Economy and Climatic Resilience

Local Partner: CCNIS – Consejo Coordinador Nacional Indígena Salvadoreño (CCNIS)

Cultural identity, Indigenous Economy and Climatic Resilience is a project proposal that resulted from a process of dialogue between different organizational structures of the Nahua, Lenca and Kakawira Indigenous People. This process, from the community standpoint enabled them to identify the progress of their achievements and challenges that are still present in the territory.  

The challenges and communal needs are no doubt one of the main subjects to work on, primarily during the strengthening of their capacities regarding conservation and transmission of knowledge, through the implementation and systematization process of  “cross-generational dialogues with gender perspective regarding the contribution of  indigenous knowledge on climatic resilience”; also to draft a preliminary bill, that serve to bring into effect the law which acknowledges the Indigenous peoples rights relating to the use of the territory and natural resources. 

Local Partner: The CCNIS is an indigenous organization that brings together organizations and communities of the Nahua and Lenca Indigenous Peoples, however it develops a coordinated work with organizational structures of the Kakawira People, and other sister indigenous organizations that are not part of the CCNIS. 

The main areas of work are focused on: a) Organizational strengthening and cultural identity, b) Political advocacy for the vindication of our rights, c) Climate Change and Natural Resources, and d) Spirituality and cosmovision.

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