
Promotion, protection and defend of the rights of indigenous peoples in climate action

Local Partner:Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities (NEFIN)

Background and  objective: This project aims to complement and supplement the ongoing work of NEFIN on climate change. In particular, it will conduct an intergenerational training and dialogue at community/district and at national levels on climate change, consolidate inputs from the dialogues for advocacy to the government for its inclusion in the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) and Nationally Determined Contribution (NDCs). The overall goal of this project is to promote, protect and defend indigenous peoples’ rights to land, territories and resources in relation to climate actions, plans and strategies of the government including the recognition of traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples as critical in combatting climate change. 

District-level training/ intergenerational dialogue on climate change, climate actions including policies, programs, and indigenous peoples’ rights over their land, territories and resources. A two-day intergenerational dialogue at national level. National level training and inter-generational dialogue on climate change.

Local partner information: Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities (NEFIN) is the one and only umbrella organization of indigenous peoples of Nepal. It was established in 1991. The key objective of NEFIN is to promote, protect and defend the rights of indigenous peoples. Besides working in many other themes, NEFIN started “NEFIN Climate Change Partnership Program” in 2009 focusing on advocacy, research, information dissemination, awareness raising and capacity building of indigenous peoples including of indigenous women and youth in climate action, natural resource management and the development work. NEFIN follows United Nations mechanisms including United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and Green Climate Fund (GCF) for promotion and protection of the rights of indigenous peoples in all matters related to indigenous peoples. 

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