
Promoting Sustainable Agro-forest Management (Kaingin System)Rotational Agriculture & Strengthening Community Resilience to Climate Change

Local Partner: Cordillera Disaster Response and Development Services Inc. (CorDisRDS)

Background and  objective: 

Living in a remote and mountainous place, indigenous peoples (are deprived of government support to their sustainable subsistence production of their own food collectively.  The practice of “Kaingin” or rotational farming has been s a traditional way of producing food for decades and this is sustained by the present generation.  However, in the eyes of the government and environmentalist, “Kaingin” is detrimental to the environment and regarded as cause of environmental degradation and climate change. 

This initiative aims to demonstrate the sustainability of the “Kaingin system” as critical element in food production and agro-forest management in combatting climate change.  Promoting the sustainable and holistic approach of IP communities about “Kaingin” system to the younger generation and to government agencies to help in revitalizing their good practices will contribute in addressing the impacts of climate change and providing food security to indigenous communities.

Participants and community members were updated on the plight and common issues of farmers.Increasing the level of awareness and understanding of communities regarding the different hazards in their respective community that will possibly lead to disaster if left.In-adequate, poor or substandard irrigation system that leads to abandonment of rice fields will lead to food shortage/hunger.Formation of Disaster Preparedness Committee (DPC) within the partner people’s organizations in Barangay Limos, Pinukpuk and, Barangay Dupag, Tabuk City, Kaling. Advocacy/campaign regarding the vaccination program and strict implementation of safety protocols by the government and concerned CSO’s in order to arrest the possible wide spread effect of Covid-19.

Local partner information: 

CorDisRDS was registered in June 2008 and it is the continuing institutional upgrade of the Montañosa Relief & Rehabilitation Services (MRRS) which was the pioneering organization dedicated to disaster response in the Cordillera region since 1988. It started out primarily as a relief & rehabilitation organization however after years of serving IP communities and other vulnerable sectors in the Cordillera and Northern Luzon, CorDisDRS continued implementing Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Ecosystem Management Restoration (EMR) as an integrated approach to resilience building, as well as humanitarian action initiatives in the context of natural hazards and human-induced hazards. Past and existing programs are geared towards achieving safe and resilient communities, food security and promotion of IP rights.

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