
“Bashparak” (“Big Finger”)

Altaifilm Creative Group

Background and objective 

In indigenous cultures, all information including worldviews are conveyed orally through stories, legends, etc. In Altaian culture, knowledge was conveyed through epic poetry accompanied by vibrations [throat-singing] known as Kai. All these epics have been written down and published and are no longer performed in their entirety using traditional means, nor are they taught in schools.

The goal of the project is to revive the tradition of epic poetry education by creating cartoons and sharing them with the indigenous population. This way, young Altaians will learn the value of spoken language, and expand their worldview and level of knowledge. Making cartoons from epic poetry will allow a logical integration of traditional elements with modernity and preserve Altaian cultural values.

Cultural exchange among children: on the one hand, Altaian children were able to experience Altai epics performed in traditional fashion, something that previously seemed like a fairy tale.A wonderful world of tolerance: It was wonderful to see the faces of Russian children, experience for the first time the traditional world of indigenous Altaians, when they listened to the epic performed traditionally, fireside in a traditional ail structure.Laying the foundation for a video design studio for rural children.

Local partner information

The Altaifilm Creative Group was established from a group of young specialists (director, camera operator) that upon completing their training were unable to find government work. In search of their art, they instinctively returned to their roots and produced several successful short films illustrating the traditional life of ordinary people. One of their best-known film is titled “Triko” (“Coward”).

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