
North Saami Place Names in Unjárga

Veahčaknjárga Fishing Cooperative

Background and objective 

In recent time, there has been a language shift from Saami to Norwegian due to a long history of Norwegianization. This has resulted in Saami names for certain places to disappear from daily use and instead be replaced by Norwegian translations or Norwegianized versions of the Saami name. In this regard, it is necessary to promote the historical presence of the Saami culture and language, particularly the traditional knowledge contained in the naming of places.

This project will collect 3,000 names of places in the Saami language from the Unjárga gielda/Nesseby municipality. The ultimate goal is to expand the use of these names, gather some historical background, and the most compelling stories connected with these places. The names in Saami will be made available to the public through electronic means and modern technology, so as to encourage the youth and others to make use of these names. The names will also be documented and made available on maps, which will demonstrate the presence of the Saami people and the traditional use of their lands.

During the initiative we have conducted interviews which document the on-going land-use of Saami people in the area.
Mapping of land use based on interviews shows the intense use of land and waters by Saami people.

Local partner information

The Isak Saba guovddaš (Isak Saba centre) was established as a Saami language center within the municipal administration in 2001. Its main objective is to promote Saami language locally (municipality) but also in nearby regions. Some of its activities include documentation of traditional knowledge through local language, translation services for the municipal administration, interpretation during public meetings, and Saami language courses.

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