
Developing writing system of 5 endangered indigenous languages of Nepal

National Indigenous Women’s Federation (NIWF)

Background and objective 

The indigenous peoples of Nepal make up approximately 39% of the total population and speak more than 123 indigenous languages. Language is very important to indigenous peoples’ identities, diverse cultures and wellbeing. Very few indigenous languages have some sort of written form, and many are vulnerable to vanish due to the limited number of speakers. Thus, developing the writing system of endangered languages is critical. Nepal is currently in a transition to federalism and the use of local/indigenous languages is under consideration. It is thus timely to develop the orthography of selected endangered indigenous languages, and seek the protection and support of both the local and national government to ensure the respect and protection of diverse languages and cultures.

This project will develop the orthography of at least 5 endangered indigenous languages and promote their writing system at the community level. A spelling guide for each language will be published and distributed amongst the members of the concerned indigenous groups. Furthermore, policy advocacy on the use and protection of indigenous languages will also be undertaken.

Chepang found 6 vowles sound 34 consonant sounds and symbolized with devnagari script. 500 copies language guide was published and distribute in the community. Majhi Organizations has developed the Majhi conversation guide and they planned to teach in 10 communities. Pahari participants were share that there was already Phd Research on the Pahari language but no orthography has developed yet, thus this workshop has developed Pahari Language Orthography, which supported to document Pahari language for the generation

Local partner information

The National Indigenous Women’s Federation (NIWF) is an umbrella organization of the 41 indigenous women organizations in Nepal. Its goal is to ensure indigenous women’s rights by creating justice and equitable societies in ethnic, linguistic and regional autonomous territories. Its programs and activities focus on lobby and advocacy efforts for indigenous women’s rights, and empowerment projects at the local level.

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