
Phase II: Nurturing culturally grounded and socially empowered Samburu women and girls in Northern Kenya

Samburu Women Trust

Background and objective

The project falls under Samburu Women’s Trust Strategic Objective 2: Promote the culture and indigenous knowledge of pastoralist communities. The continuity of this project will strengthen pastoralist communities facing the serious threat of a gradual loss of their culture. As pastoralist communities continue to embrace formal education and modernization, their culture is at risk of fading away.

This project seeks to strengthen indigenous peoples’ traditional knowledge and its transmission from the elderly to the younger generations to support local women’s participation and involvement in decision-making in pastoralist communities in Northern Kenya. The project’s main goals are to strengthen the traditional knowledge of the Samburu people through the documentation of their culture and traditional practices; and to ensure that the indigenous traditional knowledge of the Samburu people is respected and protected for the benefit of future generations. 

Transmission of tradition knowledge by the elders through folk-tales has increased understanding of young people. The screening of film documentaries to the community and initiative beneficiaries has increased community confidence and ownership of the initiative. the local women who were part of the initiative inception and design are now active and involved in decision making in the community.

Local partner information 

The Samburu Women’s Trust is an indigenous women-led organization that champions the rights of women and girls among pastoralists communities through the strengthening of their capacity to influence policies, decision making processes and address harmful cultural practices. SWT has been in existence for more than eight years.

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