
Workshop on “Follow up on Review Process of Chin Customary Law (Chin Acts)

Chin Human Rights Organization

Background and objective

In line with the recognition and promotion of Chin traditional customs and culture, the Chin Act was enacted based on the Chin Hills Regulation (1896) along with the independence of Burma in 1948. This Act covers inheritance rule and environmental conservation related guidelines such as rivers, streams, wildlife among others. However, this Act does not cover all traditional customs and some provisions are no longer relevant to the contemporary practice of the Chin people. The review process of the Chin Act, which started in 2013, was not completed due to a lack of government support, financial constraints, inadequate efforts of committee members and CSOs, and insufficient cooperation from other stakeholders. Although this Act has its limitations, it remains one of the very few useful instruments for the Chin people in guiding their legal affairs and can be used to influence national legislations and policy development.

This project aims to reignite the review process by the incumbent Chin State assembly, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders to ensure the respect, protection and enhancement of Chin traditions and customary systems, so that they are consistent with international standards such as the UNDRIP.

The process of Chin Act review and making consensus on the implementation of this process reignited. Better Understanding among the representatives regarding the differences and similarities among tribal groups and creating mutual understanding on the diversity of customs and practices. Agreed action plans and recommendations for amending of the Chin act

Local partner information

Cherry Foundation

The Cherry Foundation is an ethnic think-tank, non-partisan, non-profit organization with a mission to support ethnic political parties and civil society organizations in Myanmar. Cherry Foundation Ethnic Think-tank was established on 10 August, 2012 by the initiative of the Nationalities Brotherhood Forum (now Nationalities Brotherhood Federation). The ultimate goal of the Cherry Foundation is to guarantee and protect the rights of all indigenous people in Myanmar.

Chin Human Rights Organization

The Chin Human Rights Organization (CHRO) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization legally registered in Canada. It was formed in 1995 on the India-Burma border by a group of Chin activists committed to promoting democracy in Burma and raising international awareness of previously unreported human rights abuses being perpetrated against the Chin. The scope CHRO’s activities have expanded since the days of its founding to cover not just monitoring and documentation but also internationally-focused advocacy campaigns, capacity-building trainings, and support for grassroots community initiatives.


Ninu (Women in Action Group) was founded in 2013 by a group of Chin Women who share the same vision of gender equality, social justice and peace in their community. The organization is based in Yangon but the main target area is the Chin State and adjacent areas with considerable Chin population. Ninu organizes CEDAW and gender awareness programs in target areas and arranges ToT for Chin women CBOs.

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