
A sculpture garden of native science & learning: Scale model

The Native American Academy

The Native American Academy Founding Circle are a group of Native scholars and Traditional Knowledge Holders that since 1992 have developed into a network of native and non-native people dedicated to broadening the contemporary concepts of science and learning and to foster efforts to increase cultural competency and understanding of the Indigenous worldview, Native science and Indigenous learning processes. Many hold advanced degrees and/or are Traditional Knowledge Holders. They are recognized leaders within the Indigenous world, within their disciplines and in the national and international forums where their work is presented. The Academy network of relationships reaches from Canada and the Americas, to the South Pacific, South Africa and Europe.

A Sculpture Garden of Native Science and Learning is dedicated to a deeper understanding of the human ability to act in the renewal of the balance of life on Earth. It is being created as a living library of Indigenous knowledge and will represent the potential for new knowledge that is possible from bringing western and native worldviews into an equitable, ethical relationship. Native youth and their communities must see a reflection of themselves in the educational system and have viable and visible examples of the reality of native science through co-creation and engagement with a dynamic artistic Native space.

Carvers identified and engaged. Initial concept for 4 poles created in model form. Visual representation of the Garden created. $15K grant from Moore Foundation awarded. Successful first steps in community engagement achieved. Poster, video and magazine article documented the initiative.

The Native American Academy requests funding for a 3-month project to commission two Native American carvers, a man and woman, to create an overall design model of the vision for A Sculpture Garden of Native Science and Learning. The vision for the Garden incorporates traditional and contemporary artistic styles to reflect symbols and stories of indigenous ways of learning and knowing. The model will illustrate the beauty and sophistication of indigenous thought and creativity, and the heritage of indigenous science and learning. The project reflects the tradition of male and female knowledge as innate to an understanding of the whole.

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