
Strengthening Indigenous Traditional Institutions by Engaging Young Leaders

Grant name: Strengthening Indigenous Traditional Institutions by Engaging Young Leaders

Local partner: CHT Headman Network

Country: Thailand, Chittagong Hill Tracts Region, Bangladesh

Background and objective 

Traditional political institutions in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) have been working to maintain peace, and defend and protect lands/territories by engaging traditional leaders through a united platform. The CHT Headmen Network believes that indigenous traditional institutions have a significant role to play in building capacity and raising awareness, among indigenous youth and women, to advance indigenous peoples rights. Through the network, traditional leaders are building second and third leadership layers using traditional and customary rules and governance, specifically targeting youth and women.  

This project focuses on exchanges between traditional leaders and youth with the goal of learning more about traditional institutions and their role in promoting the rights, welfare and wellbeing of indigenous peoples.

Local partner information

The CHT Headman Network is a traditional institution of the Chittagong Hill Tracts, led by the traditional leaders of three circles, namely the Chakma Circle, the Bohmong Circle and the Mong Circle. The CHT Headman Network was established in 2011 with the aim of strengthening the capacity of traditional leaders and enhancing the participation of women and youth in leadership building processes.

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