
Sembradoras de Paz

Grant name: Sembradoras de paz

Local partner: NOTIMIA Agencia de noticias de mujeres indígenas y afrodescendientes

Country: Mexico

Background and objective

Latin America is one of the most unequal regions in the world and one with the highest rates of violence against women, girls and boys. In Mexico, the national crime rate with violence rose 15%, violence within the family rose 32%, while homicides exceeded 2011 rates, making 2017 the most violent year in decades. As a result, it is necessary to highlight the contributions that indigenous communities make to create a culture of peace; strengthen the empowerment of women, girls and boys; and document their contributions to conflicts resolution and management of peace in their own communities.

The objective of the project is to develop and launch an international campaign on traditional knowledge for peace and reevaluation of traditional systems. The project will document ancestral peacebuilding processes of indigenous peoples by disseminating information through the NOTIMIA news agency. This will foster intergenerational dialogue and involve young people in strengthening and revitalizing traditional practices for peace. It will also highlight the importance of establishing indigenous women’s means of communication. 

Concurso de foto historias visibilicen los procesos de paz. Concurso de ensayo “Conocimientos ancestrales para la construcción de paz”. Documentación de rituales y/o ceremonias de petición, agradecimiento y perdón a la madre naturaleza, que promueven la paz en los pueblos indígenas. Documentar medicina tradicional, empoderamiento de mujeres indígenas que fomenten la paz. Curso de fortalecimiento de periodismo de investigación. 1 Galería digital de 10 fotohistorias. Publicación digital de 3 ensayos. 18 Comunicadoras indígenas fortalecida. 10 Vinculaciones y articulaciones.

Local partner information

The News Agency for Indigenous and Afro-descendant Women (NOTIMIA) – “Voices, Media and Networks for Peace” is the result of the work carried out over three years by the Alliance of Indigenous Women of Central America and Mexico, in coordination with various international institutions. NOTIMIA was created with the objective to strengthen networks of indigenous and Afro-descendant communicators in Latin America. Currently, 300 indigenous communicators are part of NOTIMIA and periodically prepare and disseminate communication materials in printed, digital, audiovisual and audio formats.

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