
Indigenous women of Abya Yala: Carriers of ancestral knowledge in processes of reconciliation and peace/Mujeres Indígenas de Abya Yala: Portadoras de conocimiento ancestral en procesos de reconciliación y paz

Grant name: Indigenous women of Abya Yala: Ancestral knowledge in processes of reconciliation and peace.

Local partner: BARTOLINA SISA

Country: Latin America and the Caribbean (Brasil, Colombia, Guatemala, México, Nicaragua and Panama)

Background and objective 

Indigenous women have made notable contributions to peace and security, and have pioneered innovative approaches to conflict prevention and justice. Their experiences of inter-sectional discrimination based on gender, identity and minority status, also provide unique perspectives. Successful experiences have been developed by indigenous women over time in the Abya Yala region, using ancestral knowledge for conflict resolution and negotiation. This knowledge and experiences need to be documented, systematized and widely disseminated. 

The project consists on documenting the participation of indigenous women in different types of conflict resolution processes. The project will document testimonies of indigenous women (at least 10) through audio, video and in written format, which will serve to share their experiences and processes of local and territorial conflicts. The video and the publications will reflect on personal and collective participation; ancestral and non-ancestral negotiation and conflict resolution techniques; and educational background.

The initiative sought to obtain two products: a book and audio. 36 stories on life and leaders of the region collected.

Local partner information

The Fund for the Development of the Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean (FILAC) is an intergovernmental institution created in 1992 by the II Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government held in Madrid, Spain; with the objective to support self-development processes and the promotion of the rights of indigenous peoples, communities and organizations of Latin America and the Caribbean. Its governing body is based on parity relations between States and Indigenous Peoples.

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