
Kezer Tash (“Stone knights”): reviving the tradition of making stone sculptures and their traditional installation in sacred places

This initiative group was established during the Perestroika period (1990-1995) when it became possible once again to self-identify as a people with a distinct culture. During its existence, this group has focused on gathering and publishing information about traditional culture. The group’s first significant publication is “Altai Dzhang” (“Altaian Custom”), a book published in 1996. The group’s composition has changed over time, but its core members have been quite loyal. They are scientific-minded people and represent the first wave of indigenous-minded intelligentsia. The group persists without strongly defined leaders and operates on the basis of “collective” consciousness according to the “wolf pack” principle. The wolf is a totem animal for the Altaian people as a whole.

The goal of this project is to revive the tradition of making stone sculptures and their traditional installation in sacred places. In doing so, we will familiarize the rising generation of Altaians with our people’s values and set an example for the worship of our native valley and homeland for visitors.

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